Hungarian Cultural Garden of Cleveland - CLEVELANDI MAGYAR KULTUR KERT
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This page, has drawings, pictures, audio and oral histories, and presentation slides about the Hungarian Cultural Garden. Go to for photos, commentary and additional information.

For the timeline of the history see the History of the Hungarian Cultural Garden.

For details of what has commonly been referenced on the history of the Hungarian Cultural Garden, see these excerpts about HCG from articles and publications, including an article about the Legacy Wall dedicated in 2013.

Legacy Wall and the History of the Hungarian Cultural Garden
(Click the document image below the photos to download a presentation with lots of pictures and facts about the garden by Lél Somogyi)

Among the largest of the gardens, it was formally dedicated in 1938, with some 5,000 members of Hungarian organizations taking part in a tremendous parade, before an audience of 15,000.  The rededication in 2008 followed significant cleanup and repair to the beautiful, two-level formal garden, which today looks fresh and attractive, yet retains its original design and ambiance. A magnificent wrought-iron gateway flanks the entrance, characteristic of classical archways in Hungary with elements reminiscent of gateways in the Székely region. A graceful reflecting pool and fountain, numerous stone paths, a large formal stonework terrace, and a statuary lane with busts of Endre Ady and Imre Madách and a bas-relief to Joseph Reményi complement Liszt and lend history and interest amid plantings of linden trees, hawthorn, yew and azaleas, and the dogwoods.

The Wings of Peace
in the lower garden

Click Images for Legacy Wall Plaque Details

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Bartók and Kodály Monuments
Dedicated June 26, 2022

 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály monuments were dedicated at the Hungarian Cultural Garden.
The monuments are placed on the two sides of the Franz Liszt monument.

These three composers represent the best known important Hungarian composers.


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Original Drawings of the Hungarian Cultural Garden

HCG Upper Area (March 15, 1937)

HCG Details (March 19, 1937)

HCG Paving Details for Garden A (November 25, 1937)

HCG Paving Details for Gardens B & C (November 25, 1937)

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Hungarian Cultural Garden Art Nouveau and Art Deco Influences
by Ferenc N. Somogyi
An article and study prepared for the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the Hungarian Cultural Garden held on June 24, 2018

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A Presentation of Photos and Facts About
the Hungarian Cultural Garden

 (click slide image below to open)

HCG Insights Presentation 2013 by Lél F. Somogyi 

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The Hungarian Cultural Garden: Part of Hungarian History
and our Revitalized Future

Keynote address by Lél Somogyi on July 20, 2013, the occasion of the 75th anniversary
of the formal dedication of the Garden
in 1938 and the 2013 Dedication of the Legacy Wall

(Download available here after the ceremony)

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A Walk in the Hungarian Cultural Garden
An online virtual tour and walk-through of the garden in July 2013 by Zsolt Molnár.

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The 70th Anniversary HCG Rededication in 2008
A Garden of Peace speech in 2008 by Lél Somogyi at the Hungarian Cultural Garden
The original speech - Download the 17 minute audio file:
audio/HCG Rededication 2008_08_27_13_58_17.mp3

“A Garden of Peace”
Keynote address given at the Hungarian Cultural Garden Rededication Ceremony

on August 24, 2008, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the formal dedication of the Garden

by Lél F. Somogyi

The original speech manuscript document of the presentation - (Download Word document)

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Ringing in the 75th Anniversary of the Official Dedication
of the Hun
garian Cultural Garden (interview)
Beharangozó a Clevelandi Magyar Kultúrkert fennállásának 75. évfordulójáról [audió]

Interview audio (34 minutes) is in Hungarian with Lél Somogyi and Frank Dobos.  Július 20.-án lesz a Clevelandi Magyar Kultúrkert fennállásának 75. évfordulója. Az eseményre már hosszú hónapok óta készülnek a szervezők, és a kultúrkert két bizottsági tagja ellátogatott a stúdiónkba, ahol Zsolt készített velük interjút a szóban forgó eseményről és annak történetéről. Somogyi Lél a kultúrkert történésze és Dobos Ferenc bizottsági tag válaszol kérdéseinkre.

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A Discussion on the Hungarian Cultural Garden
and its Meaning
Interview with Lél Somogyi on the Kapossy Radio 7-28-2008
Download the audio file (54 minutes) in English:
audio/Hungarian_Cultural_Garden_discussion_on_Kapossy_Radio_07_28_2008 with L F Somogyi.mp3

Rededicating the Garden
Transcript of audio at Cleveland Cultural Gardens site

Lel Somogyi discusses rededicating the Garden in 2008: The original dedication which was seventy years or so ago. This rededication was to rededicate ourselves and a lot of people in the community to doing more to restore and to reclaim the Hungarian Cultural Garden for Cleveland, as well as for the Hungarian Community. For so many years it laid there fallow, nothing happening to it, but then we decided to try bring it back to its original grandeur and do something. So a group of individuals from the Hungarian community, various organizations came together. I represented the Hungarian Association initially, and a number of other organizations were represented. And it was our goal to try and commemorate what was done back that many years ago. Originally we were aiming at the 1934 dedication date and thought it was a seventy fifth anniversary but finally decided that historically it would be the seventieth anniversary of the original dedication in 1938.

Remembering the Garden as a Child
Transcript of audio at Cleveland Cultural Gardens site
Lel Somogyi remembers the Garden as a child:  I remember going to an area, which was a beautiful park like area, with a winding brick road down the middle of it. And not an awful lot of traffic, and very interesting architecture on the sides of that road where you could walk through and be reminded that this area here is a part of Hungry. There’s Hungarian soil that’s been buried here, this was built by people who wanted to honor the memory of other Hungarians and their accomplishments. So it made an impression on me as a child that there is something here that’s important. And others have recognized it. People who had money and influence in Cleveland recognized it, as did a group of other communities who worked together for the benefit of not just one group of people, but for all.

Insights about the Hungarian Culture Garden
Lel Somogyi interview, 20 February 2009 (webpage) -- Download audio file (56 min interview)

Abstract: Lel Somogyi of the Hungarian Cultural Garden discusses the garden's history and his involvement with the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation. Somogyi describes the garden's development within the historical context of Cleveland's Hungarian community, as well as within the context of American history and culture, and global political events. Somogyi's father was a member of the Hungarian Parliament prior to World War II, and came to the United States as a political refugee as the war heightened. Somogyi remains involved in Hungarian ethnic activities in the Cleveland area and maintains a website dedicated to the Hungarian Garden (

"Lel Somogyi interview, 20 February 2009" (2009). Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection. Interview 801001.

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Hungarian Cultural Garden Oral History

Published on May 4, 2013 on YouTube

An interview with Lel Somogyi, an American Hungarian with a long history of supporting the Cleveland Hungarian Cultural Garden, where he discusses the influences of the early to mid 20th century events within Hungary on the Gardens and the larger picture of the Cold War.

Source: "Lel Somogyi interview, 20 February 2009" (2009). Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection. Interview 801001.

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Copyright © 2024 by Hungarian Cultural Garden.  Website editor: Lél F. Somogyi  (
The Hungarian Cultural Garden is a member of the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation and is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.